No. It is not illegal to kill honey bees. However, it is considered bad practice to kill bees without making any efforts to save them. If people are found to be in danger, then killing bees cannot be considered illegal as this is a completely different situation. However, the bees can be removed alive without hurting anyone.
You can avail of our services from anywhere in Sydney and its suburbs. Our main service areas include Alexandria, Annandale, Barangaroo, Beaconsfield, Camperdown, Centennial Park, Chippendale, Darlinghurst, Darlington, Dawes Point, Elizabeth Bay, Erskineville, Eveleigh, Forest Lodge, Glebe, Haymarket, Millers Point, Moore Park, Newtown and Paddington. Just give us a call, and our experts will reach your location.
We have years of experience in this field, so you can completely rely on us. The pesticides and sprays that we use for pest extermination are eco-friendly and are free from any toxic chemicals that might cause harm to human health.